promotion best selling tanchocha product

The best-selling menu Special deal “38 Baht”

Special deal for walk-in customers ??
38 BAHT with 2 best-selling menus from TANCHO CHA.

Kushiro Brown Sugar ?

promotion tancho cha product brown sugar

Premium fresh milk with bubble simmered with BROWN SUGAR until getting a special Tancho Cha bubble. After trying it, there will be no way to forget the sweet and sweet fragrance.


Charisma ?

product tancho cha promotion charisma 38 บาท

Original dark flavor bubble milk tea from Taiwan which emphasises strong aroma and firmness of taste. The aroma immediately noses from the first bite and feels the taste until the last drink.


B e  U n i q u e  W i t h  A  T o u c h a b l e  P r i c e    U n t i l    3 1 D E C 2 0 1 9

? Finding for uniqueness .. At the PP Place, behind Chiang Mai University between The Volcano and Sofuto Cream Dessert Cafe.


——— Always Be Unique ———